5 Tips for Gum Disease Prevention

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Gum disease prevention is a crucial aspect of maintaining optimal oral health. Recognizing early signs such as bad breath or red, swollen, and tender gums is vital, as these may indicate the onset of gingivitis, an early stage of periodontal disease. To actively engage in gum disease prevention, incorporating specific steps into your daily routine is essential. Here are five expert tips for preventing gum disease.


① Choose the Right Toothbrush

Selecting an appropriate toothbrush is a key element in gum disease prevention. Opt for a soft bristle toothbrush that can reach even the most challenging areas. Plaque left in hard-to-reach places can lead to gingivitis or more severe conditions. Regularly replacing your toothbrush or toothbrush head, especially if using an electronic toothbrush, every six months is essential to prevent bacterial buildup and maintain effective oral hygiene.

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② Master Proper Brushing Technique

Proper brushing technique plays a pivotal role in gum disease prevention. Angle your toothbrush at 45 degrees against the gum line, using short, gentle strokes on each tooth. Brush for a minimum of two minutes, ensuring a systematic approach to cover all critical areas. Inadequate brushing increases the risk of plaque accumulation, emphasizing the importance of regular dental check-ups and toothbrush replacement.

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③ Prioritize Flossing in Your Routine

Effective flossing is another cornerstone of gum disease prevention. Floss your teeth at least once daily, ideally before bedtime, using an 18-inch piece of floss. Safely maneuver the floss around each tooth, going beneath the gum line without causing damage. Cleaning between teeth with a floss threader prevents bacterial transmission. Professional teeth cleaning, at least once a year, is irreplaceable in removing plaque and reducing bacterial toxins.

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④ Boost Vitamin C Intake and Maintain Hydration

Addressing vitamin C deficiencies is a proactive step in preventing gum disease. Integrating more vitamin C into your diet not only prevents but can also treat and cure gum disease. Vitamin C's healing properties help combat swelling, bleeding, and receding gums while stabilizing loosened teeth. Adequate hydration, achieved through regular water intake, supports overall health by promoting saliva production, which fights off bacteria that can lead to gum infections.

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⑤ Quit Smoking and Tobacco Use

Smoking and tobacco use are significant contributors to numerous health issues, particularly gum disease. These substances harm gum tissues, making them more susceptible to infections. Quitting smoking and avoiding tobacco products is a non-negotiable step in gum disease prevention.



Ensure your commitment to gum disease prevention by incorporating these expert tips into your daily routine. At Family Care Dental Clinic in North Vancouver, BC, we are dedicated to helping you maintain a healthy smile. Our team offers professional teeth cleanings and a range of preventive dentistry services. Schedule your appointment today by calling (604) 987-3545 or requesting an appointment through the following link. [Book Online] Invest in your oral health for a lifetime of smiles!

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Ensuring Your Safety

Following BC Provincial Health, the College of Dental Surgeons of BC, and BC Dental Association guidance, we've adopted new clinic standards to safeguard our patients and staff:

  • COVID-19 Pre-Screening: Before in-person appointments, we pre-screen all patients.

  • Personal Masks: During flu season, bring and wear your mask upon entering.

  • Hand Hygiene: Sanitizing stations and rigorous hand hygiene protocols are in place.

  • Enhanced Sanitization: Increased sanitization of high-touch areas and surfaces.

  • Limited Capacity: We observe physical distancing by limiting clinic occupancy.

Your well-being is paramount. Follow Health Canada and local health authorities' guidance for everyone's safety. Contact us for further questions or concerns. Your understanding and support are greatly appreciated.


Contact Family Care Dental Clinic for Your Consultation!

Our modern and relaxing clinic in North Vancouver is the perfect place for comprehensive dental care for the whole family. And we're just a call, click, or email away! Here's how you can reach us:

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